Friday, February 27, 2009

Humourously Depressing.

I got quite depressed yesterday…

I went to a bookshop in Dublin feeling, if not good, relatively OK… and after checking the poetry section, I walked over to the Humour section.

Within this section there were wonderful collections of exceptionally gifted humorists, such as Alan Coren, Woody Allen and SJ Perelman… But next to these collections were books like, ‘Potty, Fartwell and Knob’ which is a collection of funny names and ‘Who Writes this Crap’, too many words in the title, and other ‘Humour Books’ Of Dubious quality… The sight of these great Humorists in the same section as totally low-Humoured, unfunny books was what depressed me.

The master P.G. Wodehouse said that, ‘Humorists are looked down upon by the Intelligentsia’, I used to believe that this was due to Jealousy because of people’s inability to be humorous, now I’m not so sure. Maybe it is because the truly ghastly attempts at literature are humorous…

I believe Humour is exceptionally important… It is a belief I have that I have extended in the poetry and songs I write and perform to Children… I have been thinking about doing more regarding this, for a long time…

After this depressing episode yesterday, I believe I will…

Watch this space.

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