Sunday, March 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Mr Heaney

I am currently reading 'Stepping Stones' Interviews with Seamus Heaney and I am currently enjoying it.

Yesterday 'Poetry Now festival', paid tribute to Him turning 70 and it was a well deserved tribute that I wished to, but could not, attend.

Last year I read to the Children for The DLR Poetry Now Festival and also reading during this festival was Seamus Heaney...

I was really looking forward to meeting Seamus Heaney, at one of the many dinners arranged for the participants of the festivals or failing that at his reading that was occurring on Friday evening.

I had my copy of 'Death of a Naturalist' ready for the great man to sign, I wanted to tell him that I enjoyed his poetry and how much I appreciated being part of the same festival as he was...

So on the Thursday evening as I entered the Hotel to eat with poets and thinkers and feel out of place, I had a quick look around for the distinctive head of white hair and could not see it... I met many wonderful people that night, but no Seamus Heaney.

My reading was the following day and as it was for Children I knew he would not be there...

Our second meal was later that afternoon and again it was Seamus Heaney-less, but that was OK Seamus Heaney's reading was later that afternoon and I was going to attend.

I was going to go, with my copy of, 'Death Of A Naturalist' and queue to get it signed, but my Wife was ill and I attended the reading myself, and afterwards I was too worried about my wife to queue to get my copy signed and banter wittily with a wonderful poet.

But hopefully he was going to be in the Hardy Bar later talking to anyone who wanted to talk to him, so I went up to see my wife who told me to stop worrying about her and to go and circulate... I did as I was told but Mr Heaney was not there.

I left the festival with an unsigned copy of, 'Death of a Naturalist' and it remains unsigned to this day and maybe for ever.

Oh well, at least I can still enjoy the poetry inside...

I will use this blog though, to Thank him for all the Poetry and to wish him all the best as he begins his 71st year by celebrating his 70th birthday...

Happy Birthday Mr Heaney...

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